A cryptid from space
Statistics Abilities Personality Appearance History Sexual Details Gallery Family
Name 45
Age Indeterminate
Height 3'06"
Weight Inapplicable
Build Inapplicable

Sexuality Uncertain
Marital Status Single / Looking
Education Inapplicable
Occupation Unknown
Alias Mr. Grumpyface
Gender Identity Male
DOB ??.??.??
Hair Inapplicable
Eyes Glowing Green
Race Cryptid (unknown breed)

Birthplace Ilioneus Dust Cloud
Currently In Ilioneus Dust Cloud
Astrokinetic Constructs 45 can use his stellar-based birth to his benefit: this involves manipulation of cosmic energies and the ability to shape it into what he desires most.

Positive Intelligent, methodical, perceptive, rational, serious

General Formal, old-fashined, stolid

Negative Aloof, difficult, haughty, no-nosense, cold

45 is often not very acommodating of others, though he has been known to shed this serious shell if the 'mortal' he is conversing with proves to be worth his time. However, this side does not come down easily, as a result of being cautious around mortals in general.
The First Thing You Notice 45's general appearance is somewhat jellyfish-like, but he also can be labeled to be similiar to a Roswell Grey alien. 45 also lacks a mouth, but this is due to him hiding it unless he has to eat.

Unusual Features, Etc. The cryptid's eyes are known to glow in the dark, often scaring anyone who gains his notice. Also, the cryptid at the bottom of his body has several grey colored tentacles, though the exact number is immeasurable due to the sheer number of tentacles present.

Clothing & Style 45 does not partake in clothing or fashion, primarily due to his body being far too 'alien' to accommodate 'mortal fashion trends', as he puts it. However, he is deeply curious on chokers, finding the particular item worth investigating, and often asks about it if he meets a mortal that wears one.
45 is a cryptid born within the Ilioneus Dust Cloud, a region of space plentiful in hydrogen. Due to his stellar birth, much of what he is doesn't have concrete explainations, including what kind of cryptid he is. What is known is that his breed of cryptid is naturally accustom to living in the void of space.

45 has lately been interested in the lifestyle of mortals, but prefers to keep to himself and observe.

Sexual Details
Bust Size Inapplicable
Penis Size 1'-2' long / 6"-1' thick
Penis Shape Tentacle (Multiple)
Ball Size Inapplicable
Position Top
45 doesn't have conventional genitals- primarily his way of providing pleasure is through his tentacles, which can vary from 1 to 2 feet long and 6 inches to 1 foot thick.
Family Tree
Mother Inapplicable
Father Inapplicable